Back to School Lunch Recipes
We’ve got you covered for back-to-school lunch ideas that deserve an A+!

Did you know a 2oz serving of deli ham has just 60 calories and 2 grams of fat?
Reference: USDA, Agriculture Research Service, 2019
Top 6 Kid-Tested Ham Sandwich Concepts
We’re bringing back the ham sandwich! We tested ham sandwich recipes with real kids and present you the top six concepts! Kids love the taste, and parents love the ease and nutrition.
The convenience of ham is unmatched! All of these sandwiches have five or less ingredients. Warning, they’re delicious.
You might just be making some of these concepts for your own lunch.
1. Ham Jam Sandwich
2. Ham Pinwheels
3. Luau Ham Sandwich
4. Fiesta Ham Roll-Up
5. Ham Pocket Sandwich
6. Harvest Ham Sandwich