Exploring Pork: A Versatile Carrier Food for Culinary Creativity - pork.org

Exploring Pork: A Versatile Carrier Food for Culinary Creativity  Webinar

This webinar awards 1.0 CPEU in accordance with the Commission on Dietetic Registration’s CPEU Prior Approval Program. Credit expires: 11/01/2026

Culinary nutrition expert Abbie Gellman, MS, RD, CDN, and National Pork Board’s director of nutrition research Kristen Hicks-Roof, PhD, RDN, LDN, CLC, FAND teamed up to deliver an educational session all about the versatility and culinary applications of lean pork.

In this session, our speakers:

  • Introduce the concept of lean pork as a carrier food​
  • Explore pork’s versatility and identify its taste nuances​
  • Explore the culinary applications of lean pork while understanding its nutritional aspects and contribution to a well-rounded diet​

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